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Τετάρτη 26 Ιουλίου 2017

Μπονούτσι και Μπίλια έκτος αποστολής με την Κραϊόβα

Bonucci e Palla sesta missione a Craiova

Il "presente" nella partita del Milan a Craiova non darà il Leonardo Bonucci, Lucas Ball.

Milano Craiova e spade di attraversamento per il terzo turno preliminare di Europa League, ma la "rossoneri" si allineeranno senza i loro due armi potenti, Bonucci e Ball.

Questi due nuovi acquisti non acquisti registrati nel tempo e quindi è rimasta sesta missione.

Eppure, non è affatto improbabile che normalmente chrisimoipoiithoun rematch a "San Siro".

Servizi di Hakan Tsalchanoglou sarebbe anche privare il club di Milano, come Vincenzo modelli considerati di non essere ancora pronto.

Ulteriore spedizione: Abate, Antonelli, Bonaventoura, Borini, Calabria, Cody, KATP, T. Ntonarouma, A. Ntonarouma, Gomes, cesio Lokateli, Mauri, Montolivo, Mousatsio, Niang, Rodrigkez, Storari, Andre Silva Zapata
====Bonduci and Billy outside a mission with Craiova

The "present" in the showdown of AC Milan and Craiova will not be given by Leonardo Bonutchi, Lucas Billy.

Milan and Craiova cross their swords for the third qualifying round of the Europa League, but the "rosonseri" will be flown without two strong weapons, Bonduci and Bilja.

The two new transcripts were not registered in time and were therefore out of date.

Nevertheless, it is not unlikely that they will normally be used in repairs at San Siro.

Hakan Tshalmanoglu's services will also be deprived of the Milan club, as Wicentzo Models considered he is not yet ready.

In detail, the mission: Abate, Antoni, Bonaventura, Bornini, Calabria, Konti, Katron, T. Donaruma, A. Donaruma, Gomes, Kesieh, Locattelli, Mauri, Modolivio, Musaccio, Njang, Rodriguez, Storari, Andre Silva, Zapata
===Bonutchi and Billy outside a mission with Craiova

The "present" in the showdown of AC Milan and Craiova will not be given by Leonardo Bonutchi, Lucas Billy.

Milan and Craiova cross their swords for the third qualifying round of the Europa League, but the "rosonseri" will be flown without two strong weapons, Bonduci and Bilja.

The two new transcripts were not registered in time and were therefore out of date.

Nevertheless, it is not unlikely that they will normally be used in repairs at San Siro.

Hakan Tshalmanoglu's services will also be deprived of the Milan club, as Wicentzo Models considered he is not yet ready.

In detail, the mission: Abate, Antoni, Bonaventura, Bornini, Calabria, Konti, Katron, T. Donaruma, A. Donaruma, Gomes, Kesieh, Locattelli, Mauri, Modolivio, Musaccio, Njang, Rodriguez, Storari, Andre Silva, Zapata
====Μπονούτσι και Μπίλια έκτος αποστολής με την Κραϊόβα

Το «παρών» στην αναμέτρηση της Μίλαν με την Κραϊόβα δεν θα δώσουν οι Λεονάρντο Μπονούτσι, Λούκας Μπίλια. 

Μίλαν και Κραϊόβα διασταυρώνουν τα ξίφη τους για τον τρίτο προκριματικό γύρο του Europa League, ωστόσο οι «ροσονέρι» θα παραταχθούν χωρίς δύο δυνατά τους όπλα, Μπονούτσι και Μπίλια. 

Τα δύο νέα αυτά μεταγραφικά αποκτήματα δεν καταχωρήθηκαν εγκαίρως και για το λόγο αυτό έμειναν έκτος αποστολής. 

Παρ' όλ' αυτά, δεν είναι καθόλου απίθανο να χρησιμοιποιηθούν κανονικά στη ρεβάνς στο «Σαν Σίρο». 

Τις υπηρεσίες του Χακάν Τσαλχάνογλου θα στερηθεί επίσης ο σύλλογος του Μιλάνου, καθώς ο Βιτσέντζο Μοντέλα θεώρησε πως δεν είναι ακόμα έτοιμος. 

Αναλυτικά η αποστολή: Αμπάτε, Αντονέλι, Μποναβεντούρα, Μπορίνι, Καλάμπρια, Κόντι, Κάτρον, Τ. Ντοναρούμα, Α. Ντοναρούμα, Γκόμες, Κεσιέ, Λοκατέλι, Μάουρι, Μοντολίβο, Μουσάτσιο, Νιανγκ, Ροδρίγκεζ, Στοράρι, Αντρέ Σίλβα, Ζαπάτα 
Πηγή: Σπορ FM

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